Online URL Encoder/Decoder Tool - Encode and Decode URLs Easily

Search Engine Optimization

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

How to Use the URL Encoder/Decoder

URL encoding is a crucial process when working with web data, ensuring that data is transmitted correctly between a browser and a web server. This tool allows you to automate URL encoding and decoding, making it easier to work with URLs.

Step 1: Copy and Paste the URL or Text String

Begin by copying and pasting the URL or text string you wish to encode or decode into the provided input field.

Step 2: Encode or Decode the Text

You have two options:

  • Encode: Reserved symbols will be replaced with '%' symbols followed by their two-digit hexadecimal values.
  • Decode: Any gibberish characters will be removed, transforming the text into a readable format.

Why Should You Use the URL Encoder/Decoder?

URL encoding, also known as 'percentage coding,' is essential to ensure that a string adheres to the regulations defined by the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) specification. The RFC 1738 specification dictates that only a limited set of characters can be used in a URL structure, including uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and some "reserved" symbols.

Reserved symbols, such as '/', '#', '+', '%', '@', ':', '?', and others, must be replaced with a '%' followed by their two-digit hexadecimal representation in the ISO character set. Failure to do so can lead to issues when passing information through a URL.

Why We Built This Tool

In the past, people had to manually encode special characters in their URLs, a tedious process prone to human error. This tool was created to simplify the URL encoding and decoding process, allowing you to perform these tasks quickly and accurately.

What Is URL Encoding?

URL encoding is the process of encoding specific characters in a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). It involves converting a character string into a sequence of bytes and then converting any byte that is not an ASCII letter or digit into a hexadecimal value.

What Are Reserved Characters?

Reserved characters in URLs have special meanings, and URL encoding allows them to maintain their unique character sequences. For instance:

  • '/' is used to separate domains and directories and is represented as '%2F'.
  • '#' separates anchors and becomes '%23'.
  • '+' indicates a space and becomes '%2B'.
  • '%' signifies an encoded character and becomes '%25'.
  • '@' separates user details and domain and becomes '%40'.
  • ':' separates the protocol from the address and becomes '%3B'.
  • ' ' (space) is not recommended in URLs and can be represented as '+' or '%20'.
  • '?' separates the query string and becomes '%3F'.

When Should You Encode the URL?

It is advisable to encode the URL at all times, especially when the link or text contains non-alphabetic characters, numbers, or special characters used outside their typical context.

Should the URL Encode Unreserved Characters?

Unreserved characters, which include uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols like '-', '_', '.', '~,' do not require encoding. These characters can be used as they are in the URL.

By using this URL encoder/decoder tool and understanding the purpose of URL encoding and the significance of reserved and unreserved characters, you can ensure the proper transmission and interpretation of URLs.